Welcome to Troop 631 in Oviedo, FL. I have been a part of this troop since 2016, and Scoutmaster since 2020. Scouting has been a part of my life since I was 6 years old, and gave me the foundation for the life I live. Whether it's knowing CPR and basic first aid, having leadership experience, or developing a love of the outdoors, all of these began in scouting. The skills I learned prepared me for life. I enjoy going on adventures, including climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, crossing the Grand Canyon, or floating the Colorado River, and taking these scouts along as well. I can definitely say it is an exceptional group of young men. As an Eagle Scout and Scout Leader, I have had the opportunity to participate in many Eagle Projects and personally mentor some of the best scouts I have ever known. Nearly all of our older scouts have attained the rank of Eagle. If you are interested in our troop, or would like more information, please take a moment to fill out the contact information on the home page. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jeremy West, Scoutmaster